Instructional Leadership, Quality Education, High SchoolAbstract
The implementation of instructional leadership in an integrated Islamic-based senior high school in Balikpapan City is analyzed in the context of efforts to improve the quality of education. Using a qualitative approach, data were collected through in-depth interviews, observations, and document analysis. The main focus lies on the instructional leadership process, school environmental conditions, and school culture that support the improvement of education quality. The results show that instructional leadership is implemented through an Islamic values-based vision and mission, continuous monitoring of learning, and intensive support and supervision from the principal. The school environment supported by an adaptive curriculum, excellent programs and adequate facilities plays a role in creating a conducive working atmosphere. The school culture, characterized by open communication, collaboration among educators and the principal's example, also contributes to creating a productive learning environment. Inclusive leadership strategies based on religious values are recommended to be implemented to improve the quality of education in similar schools.
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